DPL Curbside
Pickup Hours
Monday – Thursday:
10am – 6pm
10am – 5pm
10am – 4pm
To pick up or place a hold request, call:
256-353-2993, press option 2
Curbside Pickup Location
When you turn onto Cherry Street from Lee street, turn right into the first entrance to the circle drive. Pull your to the other side of the stairs, so that you can clearly see the curbside sign. This leaves room behind you for other patrons, should it be needed.
How To Place Holds:
- You can place holds in our online catalog or by calling 256-353-2993, then press 2 for Public Services.
- Holds will be filled in the order they are received.
How Curbside Pickup Works
- Place a hold on a book or DVD and wait for your confirmation phone call.
- Come to the library during the designated pickup times and pull into the circular drive on the Cherry Street side of the building. Park in front of the steps.
- Call the number on the sign to let staff know you have arrived for your pickup.
- Remain in your vehicle. Library staff members will bring your materials to you!
- Any library patron can use this service.
- You cannot pickup materials placed on hold in our online catalog until you receive notification that your materials are ready. If you request over the phone, staff will advise you when to pick up items.
- When you arrive to pick up your materials, pull your car into the circular drive on the Cherry Street side of the building and park in front of the steps. Remain in your car.
- You must call the number on the sign to let the staff know you are here to pick up your materials. You will be asked to provide your DPL card number at that time.
- Limit 10 items per card. Families may pick up orders for multiple cards in the same trip.
- Normal material limits apply (i.e. maximum of 5 audio books, 5 DVDs, etc.)
- Normal checkout periods apply (2 weeks for books, audio books and kits; 1 week for DVDs).
- If you do not pick up your order after 5 business days, your items will be put back on the shelf.